Enroll with South Lake Schools
South Lake Schools is committed to providing quality education to ensure students have a strong foundation to build upon for success in their future endeavors.
Please follow the steps below to enroll new students:
1. Determine residency status.
2. Review enrollment criteria and gather required documents.
3. Complete Powerschool Enrollment application.
~ Resident Enrollment ~
Resident enrollments are accepted throughout the school year.
If you reside within the shaded area on the map, then you are eligible for resident enrollment.
If you are unsure if you reside in the South Lake School district, please call 586.435.1640
~ Schools of Choice ~
Schools of Choice for the 2024-2025 school year is closed.
The 2025-2026 Schools of Choice Application window for non-residents
Kindergarten: March 6th - August 20, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
*1st - 12th Grades: June 2025 - August 20, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
*Students entering Grades 1st - 12th - Schools of Choice applications can be submitted as soon as the end-of-the-year report card or transcript for the student is received.
Please follow the application guidelines listed below.
Schools of Choice applications and all required documentation must be submitted online.
~ Enrollment Criteria ~
Only biological parents and legal guardians may enroll a student. The following documents are required to be uploaded as part of the enrollment process.
- Proof of Residency
- Verification of Residency
- Parent or legal guardian identification
- Student's birth certificate
- Immunization records for the student
- Hearing and Vision screen (Kindergarten only)
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (Kindergarten only)
- Most recent Individual Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan (Special Education students)
~ Resources ~
Enrollment Flyers
Enrollment Support Documents