The South Lake Schools Difference

Help share The South Lake Schools Difference

We hope everyone is having an excellent summer so far. With the 2024/2025 school year quickly approaching, we are working hard to prepare for the first day of school. Not only are we making improvements at many of our schools, but we are also taking additional steps to promote enrollment and share our story throughout the region to make sure everyone knows about The South Lake Schools Difference. As a reminder, school of choice enrollment is open to Macomb County residents until August 21, 2024.

Ahead of the first day of school and into the first weeks of school, we’ll be ramping up our social media presence with more content shared to our Facebook page. We are also doing some advertising to ensure that we are no longer the best kept secret in St. Clair Shores.

We believe our students, parents, alumni, teachers, and staff are our strongest brand ambassadors. Since you’ve all seen and felt The South Lake Schools Difference in your own journeys, we would love it if you could help us spread the word about South Lake Schools within your own networks, either by sharing our Facebook posts or your own positive experiences with the district.

Linked here is a “social media toolkit” to give you some inspiration. The toolkit includes sample posts and recommended images to get you started. Feel free to use them verbatim or make them your own.

If you are so inclined, please feel free to help us spread the good news about The South Lake Schools Difference. If your friends or families in Macomb County are looking for a school district for their children, we’d love for you to encourage them to consider South Lake as well. Together we are continuing the district’s legacy and ensuring our students are prepared and empowered to succeed today and well into the future.

As always, thank you for your continued support and dedication to South Lake Schools.

Theodore VonHiltmayer, Superintendent