About Us » Vision, Mission & Goals

Vision, Mission & Goals



South Lake Schools, together with our community, will create an environment that engages and nurtures learners.



South Lake Schools will ensure all learners achieve their full potential by providing diverse learning opportunities that foster growth and success. 



Positive Culture and Climate

South Lake Schools will develop positive relationships with students, staff, and the community through ongoing building-level and district-level activities that support accountability, inclusivity, and Social Emotional Learning. 


Teaching and Learning

South Lake Schools will advance educational excellence through differentiated instruction and rigorous curriculum that prepares all students for success post-graduation.


Communication and Engagement

South Lake Schools will use social media, district/building websites, digital and print media, and various two-way communication to regularly interact with families and the greater school community regarding events, celebrations, and opportunities for participation. 


Equitable Resources, Practices and Policies

South Lake Schools will meet the changing needs of our learners and community by monitoring and adapting resource allocation, District policies, and building practices.